Monday 7 November 2016

Personal Report

Good day friends
I am standing here for share my experience about the beginnings know English language are also a task given by the English teacher namely Sir Nasrul as the initial task lectures. Previously, allow me to introduce my identity and a little about my family.
Please listen to me
My name is SyahSurantaPutriLimbong. You could call me "Anta" because my name is too long. Limbong is my tribe that Toba Batak tribe. I come from the north Sumatra exactly in jl.Setiajadigg.Merak no. 8 medan.  More details can be said of my house not far from Unimed. Here I lived with a family of my female parent exactly in jl.Kusuma bhakti Bancahbukittinggi. I was born in medan, 22 March 1997. And now my age could be accounted for almost 18 years. My hobby is play volleyball. If there are activities related to volleyball, I always follow it. I was the first child of six siblings. I have 2 younger sisters and three younger brothers.
My young brother who first named Fajar Putra Harapan Limbong. He was fifteen years old and now has occupied the second grade high school. My second young sister named Indah FitriSakinahLimbong. He was thirteen years old and now occupied second grade of junior high school. My third brother named SyukurhamdandamayadiLimbong. He was eleven years old and now occupied first grade of junior high school. Now he went to school in Bogor on a scholarship from the achievements and because limitations of economic of my family. My four young sister named BungaChusnulKhadijahLimbong. He was nine years old and now occupied fifth grade of elementary school. And my young brother last named muhammadfurqanibrahimLimbong. He was five years old and now occupied first grade of elementary school.
We come from poor families. My father worked as a driver and my mother worked as a laundry worker . Due to economic constraints, we try to be children who achievers order to get a scholarship to continue our education and to reduce the burden on parents. During this time, we only helped by our brothers to continue our education behind their assistance obtained from the school.
Okay, then I'll tell you my experience about the first time I know English language study.
My experience started in elementary school. I first studied English language since third grade of elementary school. it is a new thing for me san unusual thing for school because the school has been given English lessons to students during the third grade of elementary school. At that time, for the first time a completely beautiful teacher I know has not entered into my classroom with a some textbooks. For the first time, he introduced himself first so that we can know him more closely as the saying goes "do not know it was love". His name is mrsmahdalena. Usually called miss lena. He is the only English teacher at my school. For the first day, our activities in class just introduce yourself each for teachers to get to know ourself. Then, the next day we just started learning English. The topic starts from the bottom so that we easily understand. The topic was first taught by English teachers it is about numbers, nouns, names of animals, fruits names, color names and many more. We are required to memorize any subject given an English teacher that little by little every day.
The more the increasing level of difficulty lesson. For that, I focus more on learning. I think English language was easy because I think that English was not much different from Indonesian. Develop or stringing words in the English language like wording in Indonesian. But that was when I still in elementary school.
But after rising to the level of junior high school my mind became a changed. At the junior high school level subjects increase even more. It is only natural in the world of education.
English lessons in junior high school English teacher taught by a good heart. His name mrs.Silaen. At the junior level about tenses lesson, story, the types of text and etc. For that, I was determined to learn more earnest again.
At that time I did not know if that was taught was called grammar. For that, I learned with a dictionary to facilitate my learning activities. Dictionary that I always carried every English lesson. With the help of the dictionary, I tried to find the meaning of difficult words I did not know any subject of the study. Thus, the increase was the vocabulary that I have.
After such a long time to learn English from seventh grade to ninth grade, I get so much subject matter as well as my knowledge is growing. Although during which I experienced no difficulty in studying it. Value my English is quite satisfactory but I was not satisfied with the lessons that I have not understood . It seemed I was not comparable with the value of my ability I have. I hope at the next level I can better understand it.
Of the conditions that do not quite understand the English language lessons taught in junior high school, I go to school to high school level. At that time, I wish to English course outside school hours to increase my ability to speak English. But because my family economic circumstances that do not allow the desire I have to be removed far away. Sometimes I envied my friends who are fluent in English from me because of the factors supporting them as they follow additional tutoring outside school hours. But I was not discouraged. Although I could not English course because my family economic limitations increasingly harder to repeat the lessons learned at home from school every day. Although ultimately I still feel confused because I can only learn by themselves but the important thing I've been trying and there is a willingness to learn.
In the senior high school, English lessons are not much different from what is learned during in the junior high school. What distinguishes it is the formula that is more developed formula with sentence patterns that I think is more complicated. I became more confused. But I do not give up so easily. At home I tried to review and learn little by little lesson from the school with the help of a dictionary. In senior high school, I focused not only read, but also to translate.
Once upon a time, I was be indicated read and to translate a story with a suddenly. With the dictionary that I carry, I tried to translate that story. If there are any wrong words or meaning I say, an English teacher always fix it. Every day I am more often be indicated to read and translate a story. It made me not awkward anymore and to grow the spirit of my learning.
In class two high school, we focused on listening skills. Wow, if asked to listening I do not know what's what. What a people said, I am not going to understand anything. In this grade of two class I go to class science and met many people einstein. I am often asked what I did not know them. Here I am not eager to get the highest rank. But what I want I understand her lessons and her knowledge I can.
Go to third class ..
In the third grade, I was led entirely to learn it really because this is the time to prepare for the national exam. So I decided to learn the self-taught in the absence of a supporting factor. At that time does not stop ongoing task given. Each subject was given about either the theory, speaking, and listening. Besides, my old habits come back is not like most theory. However, I should be able to condition the situation by studying earnestly. Here we continue to be given exercises to prepare for the national exam practice. That once, I often find new words and new theories. Sometimes I also often use google translate if I was tired of working on the task of English in order to make the task quickly done.
Graduated from high school I went to college, even with minimal funds and the economic conditional my family that does not allow me remain grateful because I've been given the continuation of education so far. I used to think if I can go to college like the other children his family economic conditions far above me ..
Alhamdulillah ..
I could get into college I wanted country through SNMPTN bidikmisi in the UNP.
During a lecture in the first half, there were no English language course. Previously I was worried about these subjects because I have not fully understood the lesson. On one side of the thinking, if in the first half no English course, it may be in the second half of the lesson will be given later.
It is true
I hope in the second half of this I already fluent in English and I have no doubt if you want to talk to strangers encountered.
So many stories from the beginning I knew english
If there are words in addressing me apologize and friends can all take benefit in the experience that I have to say that.

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